I'll reveal more when I have more to discuss

3 Months ago: This will not be the end of Evermore. I still fully intend to see the story through to the end because of how much I love it, though it’ll likely be in a different medium.

I'll announce more when there is more to discuss, but I've started working on it.

Free public patreon post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ill-reveal-more-112075544

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Though the developer said "it'll likely be in a different medium" when continued, I hope that they have a change of heart and choose to see the story through in the current medium. Evermore is highly rated as a visual novel on a number of sites that feature games with lewd or erotic content. So I keep asking: Why not see such a good thing through to the end in the way that has worked well so far?


i agree i played through to the end of 0.5.1 and was pissed how it just stopped.  seriously though i appreciate these developers efforts and need support but wouldnt it be nice, just once for  developer to have a completed title or give larger updates with more story/content?  one sandbox game i tried got an update recently but that update was played through completely in like half hour or 45 minutes.  i want to see the media stay on PC at the very least as that is what i play on.

Yay it's back. Waiting for new update

I know this is abandoned - or at least on a hiatus - but how much story is there? Enough that it's worth playing?

Not really. It leaves you off with more questions than answers and while its a great story there's not enough to warrant the time.

not really it ends at a prime spot leaving you wanting more and when you get that end you will be irritated at least wanting to continue

Different medium?  I'm having a hard time imagining what that could be.  Still, good to see that there's hope for the story continuing.  It has been a long time since I read the last chapter, but my notes describe this one as "short, but good," so I think I must have liked it back then.   😆


well there are a few that come to mind that wouldn't ruin the story  but no doubt make it easier like kinetic novel the game doesn't have much options to chose from but each choice no doubt makes allot of added work he could make a no option cut game that is pure story in some ways it could be better like since there is no choices you wont accidently make story mistake missing out on a scene (hopefully still good art/animated scenes) as for it being short its due to it not having many ep's its like playing eternum or ripples or companion of darkness but only having only afew episodes its still good but you must wait for each episode release 


Incredible game

I would gladly donate so this masterpiece can be finished. Incredible story!

Lets gooo :)




OH MY GOD!! IM REALLY GLAD TO SEE THAT THAT EVERMORE IS NOT DEAD 😭🙏 I played a year ago and still I'll say this game is a masterpiece even you are not going to believe me that I even saved a playlist in Spotify of Evermore ☠️ Funny.... But seriously this game is my in top 1 in my masterpiece list


Welp at least you didn't say you will abandon it fam definitely waiting patiently for that update and keep up the amazing work like always :D

we are so back

(1 edit) (+5)


Oh thank god i though this was a dead project





YES!!!! Welcome back!


I really enjoyed the story. Can't wait to see/read more of it!

