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hi i just want to say i love your game i like the animation and the story so far is really good

is it still being updated  


yes, I'm currently working on the next update


I love games like these. Where adult content plays into story. I'm interested to see how far this game will go


Be careful so that the failing Evermore Park doesn't try to sue you over the name, they already tried to sue Taylor Swift over it lmao


Loved the game really sparks the imagination 

please continue 

When can we expect an update?


just caught up with the game and I am enjoying what I seen thus far can't wait to see more

(2 edits)

Can someone please help me my game is crash every time when I click the start button. The game open properly but when click start only instructions line came up and game crash can some help 😔


What does the crash code say

(1 edit)

Don't no I'm playing in mobile

means your phone isnt up to scratch. play on pc, games like this are a better experience on that anyway. other than that u may have to get a new phone. speaking of which, what model phone u use?

Vivo y30 bro I have pc but when I'm playing this game my pc brun out 🥲


......... dude. you need new shit, to the point i wih i could send u money for a new pc. what are the specs? and as for vivo phones, they look good and say they perform well but within a short time they stop working. cheap chinese crap. reset ur phone, clear out the memory and hopefully itll work

Yo, I'm trying to play on a Samsung A22 and the game crashes right after pressing the start button, around at the first or second dialogue, it just closes.

(1 edit)

same here as well even my phone are more tribble than yours only advise i can give you is play in pc or download pc emulator in your phone and try to play i hope  this will work in your case good luck


Can you post your Discord link here? can't seem to get it to work from the game. Thank you for an absolutely great VN thus far !


hi just want to ask how do it get all the girls to fall for me so i know what to pick and see what happens 


Great game, the early game felt a tad slow but once things start to get rolling then it snowballed and now I will be waiting for more. I didn't even realize the change in quality until way later then you would expect but once i noticed and thought back to the first few scenes i was blown away by it. The start vs the end is like light and day quality wise in my eyes, you really blew it away. 


wont' lie can't wait for the next update to come out this actually a cool story 

how do get the aria path? can anyone help me thx

BTW GREAT GAME i love it

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You have to go skinny dipping, it was weird for me when I didn't, skipped the scene, and didn't unlock it but MC commented on how it was. It didn't have an effect with Camilla, but did with Emily which is the only reason I realized i missed something 


i played what is out like 3 times over, for the story of course

(1 edit) (+5)

Not gonna lie the music selection for the game is 🔥🔥


my favorite thus far is halo by loving caliber it was played during the camping scene


Please tell me this hasnt died... was a good game and would like to see it to completion

(1 edit) (+3)

Not dead, dont worry. I'm working on the next update. The patreon and discord server have progress updates you can see.


Best gamer ever 


Just finished playing, was a bit iffy cause of that totally weird comment by that one guy (you know who I'm talking about) but I ignored it and looked at all of the other amazing comments and WOWWWW. Was i blown away, i love AVNs that can get me captivated in the story and not just the "scenes" and Jesus Christ was I pleasantly surprised, amazing game, can't wait for future updates! 

(2 edits) (+2)

Thank you! 

And yeah, best to ignore the comment from the other guy. He really hated Melanie (Despite her being the most popular girl in the player base, followed by Emily and Camilla) and solely because of her, he rated me 1 star and spam disliked other positive comments going back 2 months XD. Pretty unhinged behavior imo


Man now I want to read a completely unhinged comment


RIGHT??? it’s it was so weird because i went into it expecting Melanie to be a bitch but it’s the complete opposite! Pretty unhinged imo.


Yup, it was a complete misunderstanding of the character and I wouldn't be surprised if he had stopped the game after the first couple of interactions with her. Otherwise  I don't see how he could say what he said unless he's projecting somebody he knows onto her.


I see you're talking about my comment, which the creator apparently has deleted.

I will be short, and not as crass, so people know what you are talking about:

I feel like Melanie is the main character of the story, because everything MC does, he either has to check with her to see if she permits it, or she outright orders you to do things, while always humiliating the MC.

I understand that others don't see it like that, but what saddens me even more than being disappointed with the game, is to see that while my point of view is not that of the majority, it isn't even allowed.

I sincerely respect authors that allows contradictory, critical or even harsh comments to stay on their game page, because it gives a broader viewpoint for others to judge the game. At least, I always look for both the best and the worst ratings/comments, to see if there's something that someone else noticed that might change my anticipation going in, possibly making it a better experience.

Any way, I said I was going to be short. That's my take, and as long as people argue and debate against my review, not me, I don't mind being called out, so I hope the creator will allow this comment to stay.

(2 edits) (+2)

The reason I deleted it is not because the comment was critical, but because of how you originally went about saying it. There is a difference between criticism and throwing insults.

Your point of view is allowed, just say it constructively. If I wanted to stop you from speaking entirely, devs have the option to ban an account from commenting  and that's what I'd have done if it wasn't allowed.

That being said, if that's how you really feel about her and the story, then you've completely misunderstood the story, her character motivations and fears, as well as her relationship to the MC and their interactions.


Personally, I wouldn't pay them much mind. Seems they often miss the point or misunderstand (or just outright miss the point of) a number of characters and the story being told in general.

I stumbled upon them from another comment which lead me to look at their collections to see what they thought of other titles. Wanted to see why they feel the way they do for games they have in their "Games to stay away from" collection, especially knowing that a few of them are better than most VN's you can find here. Kind of expected better.

(2 edits) (+2)

In my experience, many creators can't tell the difference between criticism and insult. Many also can't tell the difference between being misunderstood and failing to portray their story as they intended.  

I recall just one such case not so long ago, I think it was on a game called "young again", where a commenter pointed out things that were objectively present in the game and told he "misunderstood".

Now, normally, I'd say that the benefit of doubt applies, but deleting the comment tilts the scales in his favor. You don't delete something and slander the person when you can just let the facts disprove it, you delete things when you can't.

Now, speaking objectively, does the MC have to get permission for everything from Melanie, gets ordered around by Melanie, and is humiliated by her? If the answer is yes, then you cannot say that he's misunderstanding.

It's been a while since I played, and I don't even remember which character to put with that name. Which means I'll replay eventually. When i do, and if I find the instances he mentioned objectively present in the game, I'll correct my rating to reflect my disdain for censoring criticism and gaslighting.


Okay, it took me about five minutes to replay the beginning and regain my memory. Now, you're both right and wrong. [Edit: I was wrong about this, he's mostly wrong.]

Melanie DOES order him to her room, she IS having trouble respecting his boundaries and pushing him to reveal his business to her. She IS acting in a controlling manner, that's objective fact. What is not true is that she does it all the time, and that she is humiliating him, as far as I recall [Edit: I did not recall correctly, she actually does humiliate him and continues to act in a controlling manner]. Aside from that, she has a very good reason to be that pushy, and she's acting in his interest.

So, he didn't quite misunderstand, he's just more sensitive to certain behavioral patterns than you are. That's what's called a difference in values, leading to a difference in judgment regarding the same objective facts.

As a side note, you'll have to tell me what your beef with Chris Evans is. That scene is so weird and out of place. Why waste narrative space on a negative cameo when it only achieves to make you look petty?

(1 edit) (+2)

TLDR: If you haven't read the full original comment, don't jump to conclusions about why it was removed, simply because this new one is better worded and more reasonable. I seek out criticism because it's the best way to improve and learn what your faults are, but I won't sit and take crass and disrespectful comments. 

Yeah she's pushy at the start and it ends there.

His new response has been much more reasonable in how he chose to criticize the character, so of course it seems ridiculous that I would remove his comment now that the old one is gone and this is all that's left to see. 

I read and ask for criticism frequently, I believe it is important to hear it if I want to know where I can improve things. The writing quality of 0.6 would be the same as 0.1-0.2 otherwise. One community member, that I'm now friends with, came at me with lots of criticism and I heard him out and had a discussion about all the criticism even if parts were harsh. To this day he still criticizes the game when something is off. 

I also search "Evermore" on other games' discord servers to see if there is any criticism I might need to take into account to improve myself and the game. People tend to be much more honest and not sugarcoat things when they don't know I'll see it. 

Criticism is not something I'm averse to even if it's not fun to hear at times, but the original comment did not fall under criticism. It was rage and hate laced with occasional moments of actual criticism. It even begins with the disclaimer that follows (An excerpt, the actual disclaimer is longer):

"I don't want anyone to hate on authors, even me. With that said, I know I am human, and therefore can be crass in my comments, but no matter if I hate the game, I don't hate the author. I sincerely respect authors who allows critical, and sometimes even harsh, comments to stay on their page. I try to write my reviews and comments without any major spoilers,, but be warned, there might be some. Alright, enough self-promotion and emotional blackmail." 

He clearly knows that he sometimes goes over the line in how he chooses to write what he doesn't like about games. I respect the attempt at emotional blackmail to keep his less respectful or tactful comments up, but I won't leave a blatantly crass and volatile comment up just because of it.

If he had properly voiced his criticism the first time, I would have asked him what he meant exactly. Something I frequently do on my server or other servers when I see people criticizing the game.

If I wanted to prevent him from ever talking here again, I also could have. literally asks you if you want to ban a member after you delete their comment. I chose not to, so that if he comes back, he can leave criticism properly instead of farming outrage and making the comments hostile place. I also could have immediately removed this new comment (which lead to a negative review), but I left it up because it was more reasonable in how he chose to word things, even though the comment exposes the fact I removed his original comment and I knew how some might interpret it.

I understand why you would lower your rating of my game after seeing his newest comment but I don't think it's a fair move to make when all you get to see is the revised comment after his last one was deleted for hurling insults at a character in an unhinged manner and diagnosing them with a mental illness they clearly do not have. Even someone else who commented after labeled it as "that totally weird comment by that one guy (you know who I'm talking about)". (Btw, this isn't me begging you to raise your rating, I'm just explaining the situation, your rating is up to you and out of my control even if I disagree with the reasoning. Reviews are not something a creator can curate to their liking.)

In the future, if I delete a comment, I will keep the comment saved somewhere to avoid this exact situation. That way if they come and complain that they were deleted, I can point out the exact quotes that caused the removal and show proof that I wasn't just butthurt that someone criticized my game.

Chris Evans side note:

Tbh I was fucking around and never expected anyone to actually like and play the game, since I had no experience writing or rendering. I have nothing against it but there is a story reason for it that will be explained down the line. I will be reworking the scene though to make it less goofy and just have him be unhinged in a creepy way.


How did I not see this reply? Anyways, there's a lot to unpack there.

"If you haven't read the full original comment, don't jump to conclusions about why it was removed"

For starters, I did not jump to conclusions. I formed an opinion based on all available information. You can't purposely delete a comment and then act like others are jumping to conclusions for not reading something you actively prevented them from reading.

"Yeah she's pushy at the start and it ends there."

I can't imagine why you would tell such a blatant falsehood. Yes, I only replayed the first few minutes back then, but it's obvious that I would eventually continue playing and see her continued controlling behavior.

She's pushy until she's in control, and then she continues to exert control, but she never stops acting in a controlling manner. Throughout the story, she is constantly playing power games, making the MC do her bidding while denying his desires. She tells him that she'll wait until he's ready to tell her, but then forces him anyway by ambushing and tricking him. She wants to blow him, but won't allow him to touch her afterwards. She makes him eat her, then sends him away blueballed. Those are objectively occurring events in the game, and they aren't the only ones. 

"I read and ask for criticism frequently, I believe it is important to hear it if I want to know where I can improve things."

If you seek criticism, you're not doing it visibly. All I see here is censorship and deflection. You couldn't even answer the simple question of why Chris Evans is in the game. I did not call the scene goofy, and I did not ask for a story reason, but asked "What is your beef with Chris Evans?" In other words: Why you would choose to include a real life person in your fantasy game, why would you pick this particular person, and why would you depict a real person with such malice? Why would you break my immersion just to take a jab at someone? All that scene is doing is taking away from your own story and making it about him. It isn't goofy either, it's just blatantly malicious and immersion-breaking. I don't care for your beef with real-life celebrities, I just want to play a game without real-world issues breaking into the illusion. The same goes for the TV screens, by the way. There's no reason I should have to see controversial news lines from Fox and CNN in a game I'm playing for fun. 

"I also could have immediately removed this new comment (which lead to a negative review)...."

"I don't think it's a fair move to make when all you get to see is the revised comment..."

His new comment did not lead to my negative review, your censorship did. It is precisely because you took my ability to see the old comment that I took away two of five stars. I literally told you that, so don't pin your own fault on him.

"It was rage and hate laced with occasional moments of actual criticism."

Which is admitting that there was actual criticism that you deleted. Maybe he was choosing strong words, so what. The rage and hate part is just your guess, unless you have a way to telepathically read his feelings. Whether it was you or him that was raging, I can't tell. Of course, I could look at his words to see if your interpretation has merit - if you hadn't deleted them. 

"hurling insults at a character in an unhinged manner"

Again, I've seen too many authors get legitimate criticism and mistake it for insults to believe this without seeing the exact criticism in full context.

"diagnosing them with a mental illness they clearly do not have."

That is not as clear as you may think. Let me guess, it was probably something like borderline or narcissism? You see, she is objectively exhibiting behavior patterns that match those of a narcissistic personality disorder. Being manipulative, trying to control every situation, playing power games, not respecting boundaries, giving commands rather than requests... You can look it up yourself, she is checking the boxes.

If her objectively occurring actions match those of a narcissist, it's not an insult to call her one, just fair criticism. Maybe you didn't intend to write her that way, but that is how she's written. Frankly, the more remarkable part is that you don't see her behavior for what it is. How does that seem normal to you? 

"In the future, if I delete a comment, I will keep the comment saved somewhere to avoid this exact situation. That way if they come and complain that they were deleted, I can point out the exact quotes that caused the removal and show proof that I wasn't just butthurt that someone criticized my game."

That is not how it works. If you delete a comment that contains criticism and offensive language, and quote the offensive language, then all you have effectively removed is valid criticism, while contradicting the reason for removal by posting it yourself. Besides, once you delete a comment, we have no way of telling whether the quotes are presented in the proper context, and if they were real to begin with. It doesn't give you credibility to hide a person's words from us, and then cherry pick which parts we are allowed to see. It is quite the opposite. 

So, let's see what you do with this criticism, and how much of it you will try to frame as insults. Personally, I hope at least some of it is getting through to you.


God damn it took me a while to find this place. so anyways.

Sorry Dev guy, i can not praise the way this game slaps with the amount of money i can contribute, cause unfortunately your boi  broke but that wont stop me from upholding the game with my words and thoughts, 

First off, goddamn these game slaps harder than hand sanitizers hitting that fresh cut in your wrist, the story, the visuals, the build up, the intensity and the H scenes, the f&cking playlist. holy fwaaaa,

To anyone about to read the whole of this essay am bouta drop, uhmmm, goodluck... i guess.

Secondly, This game gotta be the most funny and out off context game i've seen, not funny cause it has comedic peak, no, funny cause the layout be hella off, to the comment situated below me, how can you hate on this game when, the characters look like Chinese, speak what it looks in the background like Japanese, have English names, make love like the french, dress like westerners, stay in a town i'm pretty sure is in north America and believe in Norse mythology , yeah that's a lot going on in one game

i keep telling myself how am kinda glad i went into the game without the intentions of beating my meat to it or else i could have missed out on the banger but yet still kinda lacking story line, like i've played  AVN games which i literally hit the skip button so i get speed my way through the dialogue to get to the H scenes, but because i exhausted my engine busting to more than 10 H games i was like, damn i think i need to take a break,

Thirdly, God damn, this person did not have to go this hard on the music, at first when i began my H games journey, i never really cared for the music, cause why should i? but when i download this game and ran it, bro the main page alone was a banger, and the fact that they don't just slap some random songs and beats in random places and scenes or even use the same songs over and over again,is just something else. These people have different beats and songs for what so ever scene is taking place, if something sad is happening they play a songs that suits the atmosphere, if some epic sh*t bouta go down, i had to stop myself from twerking as some banger beats started blasting in the background, if they bouta f*ck, sheee, don't worry about that i got a song for that too, like the way each and every song was reaching all the way to my soul, i was like, nah, imma need me these songs, then hopped on it and got me those songs, (yeah to the devs, i don't know if it illegal or not, but i added y'all songs to my playlist, LessthanEndless, pretty good).

Lastly. Don't even get me started on the girls but godddddddddd DAMN! Melanie, Emily and Natalie got me acting up, Melanie can break my balls if she wants to, i don't care, not only does she exudes badass energy but she blonde, that's a 100 points in my books, Natalie, hehe, i mean i don't mind being the man she looking for, and emily, holy cow milk, not only is she cute but i'll let nibble my nipples if she wanted to and her transformation to Luci, bro if Luci came to me in my dreams and asked me to go to hell and look for her hair pin that she dropped while leveling up, "forsake all my hoes and straight to hell i go".

The other girls too were pretty badass, i just don't have enough funny to say about them, Chloe, Camilla, his other sister (the one that was reviewed in the end) the vice principal and so on.

But i do have a problem thou, to the person that modeled the characters... uhmm "why do you hate us men? why were we cheated in the game?" you see the woman be the finest things you ever gon see but when it comes to the men, BRUH, thank god y'all hide the MC's face, am not looking for more nightmares,

There were a crap ton of other things i wanted to say but am running out of time and my bullsh*t is getting too long.

but i do want to end it off with a question, when MC was a bout to clap Emily's cheeks and she asked him if he was still a virgin or not and he said "no" he has already had his cherry popped, uhmmm when did that happen ? and with who?

Thanks for the review hahah, I do put a ton of work into finding songs that fit well so I'm glad to see you appreciate it. 

About the cherry pop, that's a bug I'm fixing. The game thinks you fucked aria.

And all the work and effort did pay off thou, tryna see how the game ends.

And yes something else i forget to add in the other post, you can just brush of the idea if you like, so the heroes of the world are these broken people with their tragic past and so on, they all have this like epic backstory or whatnot, so my suggestions is, when they finally start gather allies to take on dagon, they should be this one some what OP guy, that's already joined the fam, who gets asked by the MC what's his own backstory, and then the guy whole character's motives is just  "Tragic backstory? nahh, when i was 16, somebody stole my remaining Choco rolls from the fridge and not am out for vengeance", you know just for the laughs... anyways thanking you for reading and replying back to my comment, i'll be patiently waiting for the update of your game.

Hey, question, in terms of time, how much content is in the game as of the current update?

(1 edit)

hey, I don't know if this answer is still useful for you, but it could be for others

I have been playing for about 6 or 7 hours and I didn't reach the end yet


Hello, that a great game :) 
I have a question, im looking for the name of one of the music, i know it happen before and during your time with camilla, music have clapping, a men singing (sound like mumbling so hard to get what he is saying)
Keep going anyway keep creativity and pleasure !


Just started second act and god dammit, this game is soo good, funny, good renders, great animations and story, it's just... wow just wow, i was so confused at the end of first act, like what the hell is happening right now. This game is definitely worth playing and it's one of the top tier AVN games i've ever played, i just love this game, keep up good work dev and wish you good luck, again, awesome game. 



Imma wait for 0.6 to play, because of the rework on the early chapters, and reading one comment that says the early chapters have a few hiccups just makes me want to wait for the rework more, don't rush things tho! Quality over quantity, I haven't play yet but if it's like eternum, it will be a masterpiece


Hey Dev  

just want to say.  I actually love this game. So hooked to the story and the graphics are amazing. Couple hiccups early on but as it progressed it got better and better. Def my main game moving forward. Can't wait for more

Then you should try Eternum


thanks for the suggestion. I have actually played eternum already. Also a great game. Definitely some similar concepts and graphics and design.

(1 edit) (+2)

pretty good story so far the girls also look great


when will be the next update?


This is one of my top VN's. I absolutely love the story so far and can't wait for 0.6.


Ig it isnt sure when 0.6 comes?

i just cant wait for New Updates


I just have to say this to anybody thinking about downloading this game. It's great and if you have played "Once in a Lifetime" or "Eternum" by caribdis and liked those you will like this game too. It has some of the same humor and even though this game hasn't reached the visuals of Eternum they are still absulutely great. The story is also really engaging aswell and the music as amazing


I love those two games, so thank you for recommending this.


Great plus visuals gets better later in the game just finished the current version and I can't wait for the update


Damn.. I remember playing the story when the 0.3 first came out and after such a long wait, I loved trying it all again. 

The story is definitely on the right track, although although the first scenes with the girls feel a bit short, you can tell that it has improved quite a bit with the last ones, I can't wait to see the rework of Act 1 to play it all over again.


Just completed ACT 1 and dude there only a little adult games I've ever liked and it's very much close to the top


Currently my most hyped VN in 2024, and lets just say there are some good ones.


Me downloading a random, small sized game here, not expecting much of it. Feeling blown away after playing, what is this magic!?
Not feeling like I have big time input with choices but the story and chars are great, feels very immersive.
Can't wait for the next update!


So far playing it it's really good! And the music choice is amazing too. Do you have a playlist with the music you use by chance? Because it was hard to bust but not to bust a move.


I cant wait for the next update! Great storyline! great art


Phenomenal! Love the art, love the story. The aesthetic is stunning. You are my hero! I will subscribing to your patreon.  


It's rare that I encounter a story so good it leaves me utterly gobsmacked. This is legit a work of f&cking genius. I'm wondering if Prometheus is related to Caribdis and Jestur, the authors of Eternum and Ripples because there are so many similarties in style and structure. Not in an imitative way but like that of friends who share a passion for story. If so, holy shit would I eat a puppy to see a crossover team up story!

Yo thank you for making this comment. Finished all of Caribdis's games and this, and didn't know what else to play. Started Ripples recently and it is absolutely amazing so far. I'm surprised I didn't find this game earlier


Gotta say, in the beginning i was like, "aha, okay" went into "hm, not my thing lets stop here"

i waited for a bit and replayed it with v.0.5.1 and boy, im happy.

The start is still something that was kind of slow, imo, but it turnes into a fcking great game.

The development of the Story and events are really awesome, the animations and choice of music are great (fck i love the songs, i sat 10min in the main menu!)

The Characters are lovely, rhe more i played the more i added to my fav. list, all of them have their characteristics which are shown in a damn good they and lets them feel unique.

I had a lot of fun playing it and will be happy for me!

And the discord name of the dev is 10/10 

what animations all I'm getting is black screen for all scenes? 


Well, first game I've played that didn't crash. Complex story,  Pacing makes it so the player actually feels like (s)he's in the shoes of the MC.  My only concern is developpement time required as more and more choices will impact the story and potentially the ending aswell. This will severely slow down updates as you get closer to full release, if corners aren't cut, which by not doing will also mean more funding required, the potential for this game will be from the diversity of choice it offers (just not too much for stated reasons above). Be careful with time travel, you'll make plot holes (for example how can effect preceed cause?) I'm not bothered much about plot holes though, just don't make them outrageous.  Anyway this game has potential, you can see it all throughout the first 2 acts (what's playable if the 2nd one so far).  I would keep on but this comment's long enough! I don't rate games until they're full release but so far the game's looking like a potential 9-9.5/10  maybe even 10/10... maybe.  Over-all good game, feels polished on it's mobile port, please adress the small option buttons on mobile though. 

(1 edit) (+4)

Just started this game recently after eyeing it for awhile, just got to the beginning of Act 2. Gotta say I wasn't expecting the story to be this complex at all in a porn game. I love the combination of different mythologies and religions, makes for an interesting story. I would say my only "complaint" is the rapid intake of information, but I guess to be fair us as the player is just as confused as the MC.

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